To Repair or Replace the fence: That is the Question

When you pay attention to your yard, you'll see that your fence has begun to sag, its paint has begun to peel, or it appears to be severely damaged. If this is the case, your fence is in desperate need of replacement. Now you're probably wondering whether a fence needs to be repaired or replaced. We've put together some pointers to help you plan for the future of your fence.

Wood Fencing: 

When to repair: Wood's natural beauty is unrivaled. But, like with anything, there are drawbacks. One drawback with wood is that it is more susceptible to weather than other fence materials. Due to weather conditions and time, wood fences can become cracked, warped, or discolored. If the fence is exhibiting signs of wear and tear, wood filler or putty can be used to repair it. It is also possible to replace a single plank if necessary. However, the wood will appear new for a long until it is painted or stained, which is a disadvantage.

When to replace: The decision to rebuild a fence is based on the size of the fence and how much of it has been damaged by various concerns. If 20% of your fence has been damaged, it's time to replace it entirely. Also, if you find yourself having to fix your fence every season, it's a good idea to replace the entire fence.

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Vinyl Fencing:

When to repair: When compared to other fencing materials, vinyl fencing is fairly pricey. However, compared to other fences, it has a lengthy maintenance-free life period, which is a big advantage of utilizing it. The main disadvantage of vinyl is that if it cracks, you must be aware of it. If these fences have minor damage, you can replace them separately rather than replacing the entire fence.

When to replace: If your fence posts are providing you problems, you will most likely need to repair the fence. Because the vinyl fence is firmly anchored in cement, removing it can be difficult. If your fence posts are damaged, your fence has reached the end of its useful life and will need to be replaced.

Aluminum Fencing:

When to repair: The most common problem with aluminum fencing is that its posts and rails bend over time. Those bent posts and rails can be removed and replaced, but this requires the services of a competent welder. There is also another solution: if the soil of the posts is shifting, the posts can be adjusted or fresh soil can be added to help solve the problem.

When to replace: The same is true with aluminum fencing; if the fence is severely damaged, it must be replaced. The most important factor is security and privacy; the fence's material may not be important. You should not put your privacy at risk at any cost, and you should get your fence fixed or replaced if necessary.

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Repairs or Replacement: We are here to help!

We work with all sorts of fencing, whether it's for your yard, a swimming pool, or a business. We have a skilled team that can install any type of fence you require. If you need a fence company at a reasonable price, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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