5 Awesome Tips and Tools for Garden Clearance in London
Lawns have always been cherished by the English; most foreigners would mention our British accent, love of tea, and, of course, our affinity for gardens and lawns when asked about us. Gardens have traditionally played an important role in the lives of Britons for many generations. Modern gardening, as we know it, did not begin to acquire popularity until the twentieth century. Garden clearance is no longer simply about keeping the garden tidy; it’s also an important gear in the bigger wheel of exterior design. The state of your garden can reveal a lot about you and complement the overall style of your property. Check out the ideas below to help you get the best yard clearance for your London house or business.

1. Timing is King
The optimum time to clear your garden, according to most English folks, was in the spring. This is because the weather is a little nicer at that time of year, and you can get to ground regions that were completely covered in snow throughout the winter. Spring is also the greatest time to add new plants to the garden to replace damaged or dead ones. At this time of year, you can also trim back overgrow branches and hedges.
2. Have the right tools
Aside from pruners and rakes, most homeowners are unfamiliar with the additional instruments required for garden clearance. However, a variety of instruments are required to do the task correctly and without harming your plants. But there are hand trowels, spades, gloves, hedge clippers, watering cans, secateurs, pruning saws, hedge shears, and a garden sieve; there are so many gardening tools to choose from, and the nature of the activity will dictate what to use.
3. Tools preparation
This is a unique situation since possessing gardening equipment is one thing, but having them sharp and ready to use is quite another. Sharpening tools like shears and cutters is simple using a File. When cutting off branches and hedges, sharpening them reduces breakages.

4. Morning or evening time the best
When it comes to clearing your garden, the morning and evening are always the best periods. The dirt is softer and colder at this time of year, and you can work more efficiently. It also provides enough time for your plants to heal and grow.
5. Waste clearance
Never leave cut branches and leaves in the garden after you’ve finished gardening. Compile them and place them in a landfill where they will decompose and eventually be utilized as manure. Larger branches can be dried and used as firewood to keep your house warm in the winter. When it comes to the tools, they should never be returned to the retailer filthy. Rather, wipe them and dry them with a dry cloth before placing them in your store. If you leave them damp, they will corrode quickly.
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